Love, Joy, Peace...
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
I would like more information about the following ministries. (*indicates greater need)
* Sunday Ushers & Greeters
* Nursery/ Preschool Helper
* Wednesday Night Kitchen Team
* Wednesday Kid's Club
* Blood Drive Organizer
* Holy Weeders: adopt a church flowerbed
Front Office Volunteer
Library Volunteer
Children's Sunday School or Chapel
Special Events: Christmas Pageant, Mardis Gras Box Parade, Trunk-or-Treat, VBS, Easter
Food Pantry (distribute, pick up or stock)
Community Justice with JUST Pensacola
Peanut Butter, Sock $ Blanket Drive
Freedom School Summer Reading Program
Youth & Young Adult Teaching on Sundays
Youth Wednesday Night Volunteer
Chaperone Youth Events
Provide food for Youth Events
Sunday Sports; Volleyball, Basketball, Frisbee etc
Team Muscle: Help set up/ tear down events & Help those in need with projects
Sunday Breakfast Cooking Team
Sunday Chalice Bearer
Eucharistic Minister: Bring Communion to homebound parishioners
Sunday Readers
Altar Guild (Prepares the Altar)
Flower Guild (Prepares & Arranges Flowers)
Security, Safety and Medical
Youth Acolyte (Serves around the altar on Sundays)
Adult Choir
Handbell Choir
Musician/ Instrumentalist
Pastoral Care Team (Blessing the sick and lonely)
Prayer Shawl & Craft Group
Women's Groups of Prayer & Service: Daughters of the King (DoK) & Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Men's Group of Prayer & Service: Brotherhood of Saint Andrew
Bread Ministry: Deliver and/ or bake bread for newcomers
On a scale of 1-5, how ready are you to get involved with the ministry area selected on this form.
1. Here to gather more information and that's all for now.
2. Hesitant, but open to hearing more about how to get involved.
3. I know I want to get involved, but I need to find the right fit for my gifts and schedule.
4. Extremely interested, but I need either training or more details about the schedule.
5. Put me in! I'm ready to show up and learn as I go!!