Connection Card
About Us
Our clearest strength is the world's clearest need - faithful, loving, and active community. Focusing on the teachings and love of God in Jesus Christ, Holy Cross seeks to continue to spread such transformative community in our lives and into the world. Community where people learn such things as how to receive and to give unconditional love; to overcome the prisons of fear and regret; to find their identity and worth in their God given dignity and not in things and achievements; and to care for the poor.
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Pastoral Care
How can Holy Cross pray for you?
Request a meeting with Father Rob or any of our Pastoral Staff
Are you ready to get involved?
Holy Cross wants to be a good church FOR you and THROUGH you! Join a service team on Sunday or throughout the week as we serve each other and the community.
Hagar's Basket
Baskets in the Narthex and near the church office are used to collect various items for children in need. Our resource center allows Navigators (school campus social workers) to obtain the supplies needed on a regular basis and to communicate with us about what children in our area in need seasonally.
LINK to Holy Cross KidMin Page
A private Facebook group for parents and volunteers of Nursery -5th grade children at Holy Cross. Stay up-to-date on all the exciting things scheduled, weekly family discussion questions related to our lessons and resources designed to bless our families.
LINK to Holy Cross Youth Page
A private Facebook page for 6th-12th graders and their parents to stay current on all youth related events and activities!
LINK to our YouTube Channel
Livestream and Worship Service Archive
Check out our website for more information!
Beginning 08/29/2024
Revive: Youth Winter Camp
Jan 17 - Jan 19
Revive Winter Camp January 17-19 held at Blue Lake Camp Andalusia, Alabama Theme: Come Close For youth, grades 6-12 Camp Cost: $170/student, $50 deposit. Deposit due asap, remainder due prior to December 31st.
Click to Register